Feed the Community was created on the 25th October 2020 by Lacey Langridge during the covid 19 outbreak. Initially the food bank was run from her home, where herself and volunteers delivered food packages to those in need.
In February 2021 FTC (as they are otherwise known) became an associate of 'WE ARE ONE' who helped with a shared data system and really supported FTC in the training of opening up a physical food bank.
On 16th April 2021 they set up a food bank at the Fusion Centre on Ladysmith Road. This was a big turning point for FTC as they were now able to reach more people who was in need.
Unfortunately, the premises was then outgrown as the need in the community became greater.
FTC then moved into St Christopher's Methodist Church 25th May 2022 where they remain today.
FTC became a recognised charity on 14th April 2022.